Web Development

Islam and The Future of Tolerance

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Client: Islam and The Future of Tolerance
Industry: Documentary Film / Education
Website: islamandthefutureoftolerance.com

Project Overview

“Islam and the Future of Tolerance” is a documentary film featuring a dialogue between Sam Harris, a noted philosopher and neuroscientist, and Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist turned counter-extremism activist. The website was developed to promote the documentary, provide educational resources, facilitate discussions on the themes explored in the film, and serve as a platform for advocacy and community engagement.


  1. Sensitive Subject Matter: The film tackles sensitive and complex issues regarding Islam and dialogue around religious reform. The website needed to handle these topics with care to encourage constructive dialogue without alienating or offending visitors.

  2. Content Distribution and Accessibility: The goal was to make the film and associated educational content easily accessible to a global audience, requiring a user-friendly platform that supports various content formats, including video, text, and interactive media.

  3. Audience Engagement: Engaging a diverse audience in meaningful discussion and promoting a broader understanding of the film’s themes was a priority. The website needed interactive features that encourage user participation and community building.


  1. Respectful and Inclusive Design: The website was designed with a neutral, accessible aesthetic that reflects the documentary’s serious tone. We used a straightforward layout to ensure that content is easily navigable and that discussions could be facilitated in a respectful and inclusive environment.

  2. Multimedia Content Integration: The site features the film’s trailer, clips, interviews, and full documentary available for streaming or download. Educational resources such as articles, podcasts, and public talks related to the themes of the documentary were also integrated, offering users a comprehensive understanding of the topics.

  3. Community Features: We implemented a moderated forum and comment sections under each resource to foster dialogue among users. These platforms are designed to allow viewers to express their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in discussions based on the content presented in the documentary.

  4. Responsive and Accessible Functionality: The website was developed to be fully responsive, ensuring that it functions seamlessly on all devices. Accessibility features, such as screen reader support and subtitle options, were included to make the content accessible to as wide an audience as possible.

  5. SEO and Global Reach: SEO strategies were employed to enhance the website’s visibility and reach an international audience. This included optimizing content for search engines and using multilingual support to cater to non-English speakers.

  6. Analytics and Adaptation: Analytics tools were set up to monitor visitor behavior and interaction with the site. Insights from these data help in continuously refining the site and its content to better meet the needs of users and maximize engagement.


  • Broadened Dialogue: The website successfully broadened the dialogue around the themes of the film, drawing in a diverse audience from various cultural and religious backgrounds.

  • High Levels of Engagement: Interactive features like forums and comment sections saw high levels of user participation, indicating strong engagement with the content and a willingness among users to discuss complex issues.

  • Positive Impact on Understanding: Feedback from users indicated that the website and its resources have significantly contributed to a better understanding of the topics discussed in the film, fulfilling its educational and advocacy goals.


The “Islam and the Future of Tolerance” website project effectively achieved its goals by creating a platform that not only promotes the documentary but also supports education and fosters dialogue on critical issues. Through careful design, strategic content integration, and robust community features, the website serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to explore the intersection of Islam, dialogue, and tolerance.