Web Development

Find Qualia

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Client: Qualia
Industry: Wellness / Cognitive Enhancement
Website: findqualia.com

Project Overview

Qualia is a company focused on developing and marketing cognitive enhancement supplements designed to improve mental performance, mood, and overall brain health. The website needed to effectively communicate the science behind the products, showcase customer testimonials, and provide an easy shopping experience.


  1. Scientific Credibility: Communicating complex scientific information in a way that is accessible and persuasive to a general audience, while maintaining the credibility necessary for a health-related product.

  2. User Experience and Conversion: Designing a website that not only educates visitors but also smoothly guides them towards making a purchase, maximizing conversions and customer satisfaction.

  3. Brand Trust: Establishing and maintaining a high level of trust with potential customers, crucial for products that affect health and wellbeing.


  1. Educational and Trustworthy Design: The design of the website was developed to be both educational and trustworthy, using a clean, scientific aesthetic. High-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and accessible language were used to convey information clearly.

  2. Structured Educational Content: The website features a dedicated section for explaining the science behind the supplements, including research findings, ingredient benefits, and usage guidelines. This section includes FAQs, articles, and videos to cater to different learning preferences.

  3. Streamlined Shopping Experience: We implemented a straightforward e-commerce platform that allows users to easily browse products, read reviews, and make purchases. The checkout process was optimized for speed and security, with clear options for one-time purchases or subscriptions.

  4. Customer Engagement Features: To build trust and community, we added a review section where customers can leave feedback and read about others’ experiences. A blog and newsletter signup were also integrated to keep customers informed about the latest research and product developments.

  5. Responsive and Accessible Design: Ensuring that the website is responsive and accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, was a priority. This ensures a broad audience can navigate the site and access the products.

  6. SEO and Performance Monitoring: Advanced SEO strategies were employed to enhance the site’s visibility and attract organic traffic. Performance metrics are continuously monitored to refine marketing strategies and improve the user experience.


  • Increased Scientific Understanding: The educational content significantly increased customers’ understanding of the products, as evidenced by longer page visits and high engagement with educational materials.

  • Enhanced User Experience and Sales: The streamlined shopping experience and clear product information led to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction scores.

  • Strong Brand Trust: Customer reviews and engagement with the blog and newsletter have contributed to a strong sense of community and trust in the brand.


The Qualia website project effectively achieved its objectives by providing comprehensive educational content, a user-friendly shopping experience, and a platform for customer engagement. Through strategic design and functionality, the website supports Qualia’s mission to enhance cognitive function and promotes continued growth and customer loyalty.