Web Development

Dr Niluka Coelho

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Client: Dr. Niluka Coelho
Industry: Healthcare / Personal Branding
Website: drnilukacoelho.com

Project Overview

Dr. Niluka Coelho, a renowned healthcare professional specializing in [specific field], needed a personal website to highlight her expertise, share insights, and connect with both peers and patients. The website was envisioned as a platform to showcase her work, disseminate valuable health information, and foster a community around her medical practice.


  1. Professional Branding: Establishing a strong online presence that accurately reflects Dr. Coelho’s professional image and credentials was essential. The website needed to balance her personal brand with her medical expertise to build trust and credibility.

  2. Content Accessibility: Presenting medical and health information in a clear, accessible manner that could be easily understood by a diverse audience, including both medical professionals and the general public.

  3. User Engagement: Creating a platform that not only provides information but also encourages interaction through appointment bookings, inquiries, and health-related discussions.


  1. Elegant and Professional Design: The website design is clean and sophisticated, using a calm color palette that reflects healthcare professionalism. The layout is organized to provide easy navigation, with distinct sections for biography, services, blog, and contact information.

  2. Content Strategy: We developed a content strategy that includes regular blog posts, patient testimonials, and detailed service descriptions. This strategy is designed to educate visitors, highlight Dr. Coelho’s expertise, and provide updates on the latest in her field.

  3. Interactive Features: Features such as an online appointment booking system, a contact form, and a Q&A forum were integrated to enhance user engagement. These tools not only make the site more interactive but also more convenient for users seeking medical advice or services.

  4. Responsive and Accessible Design: Ensuring the website is accessible and responsive across all devices was a priority, recognizing that users may access the site from various devices. Accessibility features, such as screen reader compatibility and easy-to-read fonts, were implemented to accommodate all visitors.

  5. SEO Optimization: SEO practices were employed to improve the website’s visibility and reach a wider audience. Keywords related to Dr. Coelho’s specialties were strategically used throughout the site to boost search engine rankings.

  6. Analytics and Performance Tracking: Analytics tools were integrated to monitor user behavior and website performance. This data helps in continuously refining the website to better meet the needs of visitors and improve user experience.


  • Enhanced Professional Image: The website successfully presents Dr. Coelho’s professional brand, increasing her visibility and credibility in the medical community. Patient testimonials and her blog have particularly helped in building trust among site visitors.

  • Increased Patient Engagement: The integration of interactive features like online appointment booking and Q&A forums has led to an increase in patient engagement. Patients appreciate the convenience and accessibility of managing their health care online.

  • Improved Web Traffic and SEO: Optimized content and regular updates have significantly improved the website’s search engine ranking, resulting in increased web traffic and new patient inquiries.


The website for Dr. Niluka Coelho effectively met its goals of establishing a professional online presence, enhancing user engagement, and providing valuable health information. The strategic design and functionality of the site have not only supported Dr. Coelho’s personal branding but also facilitated better patient care and community interaction.